Sunday, August 20, 2017

Does the perfect guy exist?

I happened to be dragged into this conversation where they were talking about this friend/acquaintance of ours and someone described him as 'the perfect guy'. I do think he's truly approaching perfection in the way that physically he's really 'tall and handsome' (her words), pretty cute (my words); and he's kind, really bright, humble and has an amazing personality.

He (and in the past, S) are people that I really respect because of the traits they have and who they are as a person. To be honest it's been my goal to try to emulate them (and I've been trying hard to); but I know I can't reach that level so I'm stoked if I can reach a considerable level, be somewhat like them, and yet still not lose any bit of my individuality.

I digress though - so, 1) is it possible to be perfect, or is perfection an asymptote that people can approach but never reach? And 2) does the perfect guy exist?


I haven't said this but the last week has been kind to me. Although I've still been plagued by late morning starts and sleeping in, there are small little victories that made me feel better about life and things in general.
  1. I managed to completely cut off social media for a day by accident - I happened to be busy dealing with some documents - but it made me feel really good in a sense that I managed to keep it off (even if it's just for a day!). That felt amazing partly because I found myself not subconsciously comparing my life with others (first world problems), and yet more time to myself - even if I was busy accomplishing something else. That's the problem though - I always need someone to keep me busy else I'd get bored.
  2. I was on my Instagram feed (irony!) and I saw a bunch of grown-ups playing musical chairs. If I was younger and lost that game I think I might have just lose it. Yep, that's how competitive I am. Yet if I were to play the same thing today I don't think I'd care. I'm not sure whether subconsciously I know that there are bigger things to care about, or that I've just conceded to the fact that competition always whacks me in the balls so hard every time that I know better than to challenge it face on these days. Nonetheless my personal take on this is that I'm better at competing with people without sinking a bunch of friendships (and my own reputation), so, heh.
  3. I'm finally starting to feel that if I do ever see S again, I'll be able to strike up a nice regular conversation without feeling a tad bit awkward. It's taken a long enough time, but I'm finally good and that's what matters. I happen to went back and read some of our chats and while much of it was nice, I'm glad I managed to back out when I started feeling manipulated and I managed to hold my ground during that disastrous attempt of him restarting conversation. I needed the rest, the time to reflect, recharge and recalibrate myself; and wean off my built-up reliance on him which managed to allowed him get a hold of me.
  4. I've managed to got myself back in writing regularly enough?! That's just a feat in itself. I'm proud of ya, M.
I'm going to end this off with a comic from one of my favourite comic artists, Shen, whom you can find either as Owlturd or Bluechair on the interwebs. His comics tend to speak to people in really intimate ways. Here's one on "if you wanna be perfect you better get started NOWWWWW".


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